Friday, December 28, 2012

My Best Friends

In ICTP, with my best colleagues and friends, Tarek Tobely and Haytham El Fil.

مجمع اللغة العربية

الاجتماع الأول في مجمع اللغة العربية، العظماء د/ أحمد سالم الصباغ ودكتور/ عطية عاشور عضوا المجمع جالسين من اليمين لليسار وأحمد حسن وهشام سيد محرر المجمع واقفين

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Digital Library Negotiation Sessions, London

The ICTP Executive Director participated in the annual negotiations sessions done by the Egyptian Universities Libraries Consortium, with the international electronic publishers. I was with Prof. Ashraf Saad and Dr. Ahmed Abdel Bassit in the Egyptian delegate. The committee would like to express sincere gratitude and appreciation for the outstanding synergetic behavior exhibited by the team of the Egyptian Cultural Center and Educational Bureau, London. Special thanks to Prof. Nadia El Kholy and Dr. Rasha Saad

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

International Conference of Computer Engineering and Systems 2012

I participated in the International Conference of Computer Engineering and Systems as a session co-chair in the software engineering track. I enjoyed the papers presented by the authors and the company of professor. Hoda Korashy.

Friday, October 12, 2012

زيارة جامعة أسوان

على هامش زيارة جامعة أسوان، سعدت بمرافقة الدكتور/ أسامة مهلل والدكتور/ عادل عبد الفهيم في زيارة رمز الصداقي المصري السوفييتي والنظر إلى بحيرة ناصر من فوق السد العالي

Friday, June 22, 2012

مجمع اللغة العربية

I had the honor to visit the academy of Arabic Language. This photo was with Prof. Sultan Abu Ali, the x Minister of Economics, Mr. Farouk shousha, Prof. Hasanen Rabea and Prof. Sherif Hammad, my direct M.Sc. supervisor and the dean of faculty of Engineering. تشرفت بزيارة مجمع اللغة العربية، الصورة مع الأستاذ الدكتور/ سلطان أبو على وزير الاقتصاد الأسبق، الشاعر فاروق شوشة أحد من تمنيت لقاءهم خلال الثلاثين عاما الماضية، الأستاذ الدكتور/ حسنين ربيع رئيس اتحاد المؤرخين العرب، وأستاذي الدكتور/ شريف حماد عميد هندسة عين شمس

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ganna got her first Award

Ganna got her first Award in the school reciting holy Quran. Congratulations.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ICT Strategy workshop for the Ministry of Higher Education

A very successful workshop is held in Cairo to shape the ICT strategy for the Ministry of Higher Education. The workshop is organized by ICTP and Microsoft with the moderation of Thomas Cassidy (Education Impact). The workshop is attended by University Presidents, Vice Presidents, Project Management Unit PMs, Universities CIOs.
Event Documents