Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Luxor and Aswan Trip

After 16 years, I got the opportunity to return back to Luxor and Aswan. I enjoyed visiting the temples and the Nile scene. Xerox made a very successful annual event.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lebanon trip

I had the opportunity to participate in HP-AMD event held in Lebanon, 2011. It was a very good organized workshop with emphasis on HP Life and AMD Processors presentation.

Elections 2011

After 21 years, I visited my secondary school to vote in the Parliament elections.
بعد 21 سنة، زرت مدرستي الثانوية للإدلاء بصوتي في الانتخابات التشريعية لمجلس الشعب.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Barcelona Trip (Shemera Project)

Dr. Amr Radwan and Ahmed Hassan represented Egypt in the Shemera Project
 The photo below in Barcelona Stadium

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

CIO Summit in Gouna

The CIO Summit organized by Microsoft in Gouna was a very good event to discuss office365, Cloud and XBox. Networking with Amr Ibrahim, Ayman Bahaa, Mostafa Ebaid, Dr. Ahmed El Assal and Microsoft team was very useful.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

MOU between MoHE and HP

A memorandum of understanding is signed between Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt and HP company to foster the cooperation between the two parties

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

لقاء إذاعي: برنامج في حب مصر

لقاء إذاعي: برنامج في حب مصر
لقاء مع الزملاء الدكتور طارق الأحمدي والدكتور هيثم الفيل، مارس 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Impact Factor of Journals

SPRINGER Software Quality Journal Impact Factor: 0.977 (2009)
SPRINGER Empirical Software Engineering Impact Factor: 1.612 (2009)
SPRINGER Software & Systems Modeling: 1.533
SPRINGER Programming and Computer Software: 0.164
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering: 3.75
Elsevier Jouranl of Systems and Software: 1.3

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Egyptian referendum on constitutional amendments and modificationsالاستفتاء على الدستور

ذهبت اليوم لأدلي بصوتي في الاستفتاء على التعديلات الدستورية. أول مرة خارج الجامعة والنوادي
After the Egyptian youth revolution, I went today to vote in the Egyptian referendum on constitutional amendments and modifications. The first time outside the university and the clubs.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Family Trip to Alexandria

I had the opportunity to go to Alexandria with my family after Jan 25 revolution. My children enjoyed taking photos in front of army tanks.